Advanced Social and Political Research Institute

Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) was established in 2004 with the aim of developing the potential of social sciences in Latvia, promoting cooperation between Latvian scientists in Latvia and on the international level, and serving the public in analysing and forecasting social issues, promoting research-based improvements in Latvian social and political processes. ASPRI is an institute of the University of Latvia Faculty of Social Sciences. Its strategic institution is the council, whose members are representatives of the faculty departments. The governing body is the board, which consists of professors and associate professors appointed by the departments.

ASPRI scientific staff includes more than 40 leading researchers, researchers and research assistants.


The institute has four main research directions:

  • Latvia in international relations, especially relations with Russia and the new European neighbours.
  • Democracy and minorities.
  • Regional development in Latvia.
  • Media, information and culture.

ASPRI scientific staff includes more than 40 leading researchers, researchers and research assistants.


Dr. soc. Aija Zobena