
Are you interested in volunteering? Would you like to help creating a campaign to raise awareness on gender violence?

Researchers of the "Prepared Together: Stronger Together" project present at the AABS conference and meet with representatives of Columbia University and the UN

Leading researchers Dr. Ieva Birka and Dr. Didzis Kļaviņš participate in the Baltic Sea Region Forum at the University of Turku.

E-Book publication of COPE, entitled "COPE - Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe Training Materials for European Journalism Students", is now available

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia participates in the COPE "Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe - Training MOOC for European Journalism Students" project

We invite you to apply for the section ''Diversity, social well-being, and migration'' of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia

Political scientist Andis Kudors' book 'Russia and Latvia: A Case of Sharp Power' will be officially opened

New public opinion poll data available for researchers and students

TrustInGov: Electoral Participation, Democracy, and Communicating Strategically