Researching and using information about the society and the processes taking place in it! Be the one who can explain, predict and influence.


  • Ministries
  • Local governments
  • Sociological research companies
  • Corporate research and analytics departments
  • Academic institutions

You can become:

Project manager at a sociological research company. The project manager “keeps the hand on the pulse” throughout the research process, from defining the problem question to summarizing the results. You will be the team leader who will take care of the relationship between all parties involved in the project and control the quality of the research.

Internet research manager at a sociological research company. The internet research manager organizes and manages research on issues of public importance in the Internet environment. You will manage and administer survey data arrays, control the quality of execution, as well as display the obtained data in tables comprehensible to general public.

Survey programmer at a sociological research company. The survey programmer transforms any type of survey into a computerized or interactive solution. You will create modern, interesting and understandable surveys that will serve as a basis for any sociological research.

Fieldwork manager at a sociological research company. The fieldwork manager organizes surveys and supervises the first stage of data collection. You will be the link between the interviewers and others involved in the research – you will select the interviewers, plan their daily work and ensure that the research is carried out.

Specialist in qualitative methods at a sociological research company. Qualitative research methods are intended to study an individual's actions, thoughts and attitudes. You will follow the development of society and will be able to find out "why" and "how".

Specialist in quantitative methods at a sociological research company. Quantitative research methods are devised to study society as a whole to obtain numerically accurate and extensively usable research data. You will be able to find out the answers to questions such as "how often" and "how much".

Data processing specialist at a sociological research company. The data processing specialist analyses and converts the data obtained in the study into tables and graphs. You will discover the habits, interests and desires of people behind the numbers, as well as search for and understand the various causal connections in the life of society.

Statistician at a sociological research company. The statistician uses various mathematical methods to collect, research and analyse data, as well as develop and apply new calculation methods. You will participate in the processing of large-scale statistical data of public importance and assess their accuracy.

Social policy analyst and organizer in local governments, ministries. Social policy deals with people's living conditions and protection thereof. You will take part in development and shaping of the social policy at local governments and public administration institutions.

Specialist and head of municipal institutions in the field of social development planning. People, their social life and their problems may differ in each local government. You will get to know and analyse the social living conditions of the local community, identify problems and ensure that they are resolved in the long term.

Researcher and leading researcher in academic research organizations. The researcher carries out individual work in various academic research organizations, usually combining it with a teaching position at a university. You will develop your knowledge of sociology, and your work will supplement the content of scientific journals.

Researcher, specialist of social issues in the non-governmental sector. Public authorities are not the only institutions that take care of people's living conditions and opportunities. You will work in an organization that will be based on a private initiative, explore the needs of society and look for new ways to solve its problems.

Researcher in marketing and advertising companies. Researchers in marketing and advertising companies conduct research on topics such as the market place of the product, the competitive situation, and the effectiveness of advertising. You will use your knowledge of sociology to determine, for example, brand positioning, strategy or the best times to place an advertisement.

Journalist specialising in the field of social affairs and social policy. The journalist supplements the content of the Latvian media with information about the society welfare and the factors affecting thereof. You will shape public opinion, stimulate debate on issues relevant to public and influence the public and media agenda.

Officer at the Central Statistical Bureau. The Central Statistical Bureau organizes collection and management of state statistics. You will participate in the development and improvement of publications, as well as prepare information for databases and other requests on such country-relevant issues as unemployment, migration, life expectancy, etc.

Social data analyst in state institutions, local governments, private companies. A social data analyst collects and analyses data. You will understand the processes taking place in society, search for causal connections in research data and discover the social problems in society that require particular attention.

Interviewer, data collector. The interviewer conducts various types of surveys at respondents’ places of residence or by telephone according to a pre-defined plan. You will collect research data and be in direct contact with the survey participants, the quality of your work and the answers you receive will determine success of the research.

Organizer of social work in local government and non-governmental sector. The organizer of social work organizes and manages the process of solving social problems, attracts the necessary resources and contributes to raising welfare. You will help families, the elderly and other vulnerable groups who are facing unemployment, deprivation, loneliness or other difficulties.

Private entrepreneur. The private entrepreneur decides on his or her course of action independently. As a sociologist, you can set up your own research centre, association or organization, fulfil private research orders or implement any other business idea, because you will know how society works.